Health is Wealth
Another New Year is here and, with it come the resolutions to be fitter, slimmer and healthier. I hate the saying ‘New Year New You’ It’s such an old cliché It’s as if learning to love vegetables, joining the gym or going ‘dry’ for January will see us emerge some weeks down the line, rejuvenated and completely transformed, like a butterfly emerging from a chrysalis. Rather than seeking transformation I’d prefer to celebrate our strengths, our achievements and the other many positives in our lives. Of course I’m not saying we can’t or shouldn’t make changes. Making the most of that surge of energy and renewed motivation many of us feel, as one year ends and another begins, can’t be a bad thing. Better lifestyle choices won’t make different people of us. But ‘Health is Wealth’ and the choices we make may allow us to live longer and feel stronger both mentally and physically. With our health intact we can achieve more, enjoy new adventures and have so much more to give.